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Writer's pictureGwen Winarno

Kepoin Diri Sendiri

Updated: May 30, 2022

Yuk, mulai kepoin diri sendiri!

Most of us spent hours each day untuk liatin social media orang lain. Ya kan?!

Trust me, it’s not just you, saya pun juga kalau pegang handphone itu pastinya lebih sering intip IG orang lain. Somehow we get a kick out of checking other people’s lives. (by the way, your phone can tell you how much screen-time you have per day, in case your curious).

And I can be super silly (read: defensive) about it and find so many ways to justify it, like I’m checking out all these IG heroes of mine in the world of health and wellness lah, etc. But when it comes down to it, rather than spending time on myself, I spent that time on someone else.

Kalau ada permasalahan sama diri kita, instead of asking ourselves what we need to do, kita larinya keluar. Intip si “ini” makannya apa koq bisa kurus seperti itu. Si “dia” olah raganya apa koq bisa keren banget badannya. Lalu biasanya kita coba juga apa yang si “ini” makan dan si “dia” jalankan untuk olah raga supaya kece seperti dia, keren seperti dia. Sukur kalau cocok, tapi kalau tidak? Biasanya kita paksakan. Masa iya makanan yang “ini” makan kan sehat sekali, masa tidak cocok untuk saya? Lanjut makan yang tidak cocok itu. Atau lanjut memaksakan olah raga yang si “dia” lakukan karena merasa itu pasti yang terbaik, padahal olah raganya membuat tubuh kita bertambah stress misalnya, dan memicu anxiety atau kegelisahan kita.

Most of us are busy going outwards to find the answers to our problems. Kita biasanya larinya keluar untuk mencari solusi untuk problem dalam kehidupan kita. While it’s important to seek professional help to support you in your healing journey, your healing can only happen when you GO INSIDE and check with yourself if the nutrition and lifestyle that you’re doing now agree with you. The grass seems greener on the other side because they are actually tending to it in ways that agree with them. Know what I’m saying?!

For the longest time I was eating all the foods that I thought was healthy, karena saya melihat orang lain makan seperti itu dan mereka sangat sehat. Ternyata saya malah tambah sakit ketika bertahun-tahun makan seperti itu. Ketika mengambil program menjadi health coach, saya baru sadar kalau setiap orang itu unik dan berbeda, maka apapun sifatnya pasti cocok-cocokkan. Begitu juga dengan nutrisi. Lalu saya mulai proses trial and error dengan makanan dan akhirnya menemukan apa saja yang cocok dan tidak cocok dengan tubuh saya. Sekarang kalau saya ditanya “Gwen dietnya apa?” Saya bingung jawabnya. Karena saya makan hampir apa saja. Apa saja yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh saya tepatnya. I honestly don’t follow any specific diet. Tubuh saya tiap hari berubah, saya lebih ikuti apa yang tubuh saya butuhkan sehari-harinya. And my body is loving this.

So when it comes to food, it’s ok to get inspired from info that you gather online or from friends and family, tetapi sadari, diluar sana semua info tentang makanan goes against one another. So many different theories contradicting and putting down other theories. Meat eaters making fun of vegans, and vegans mocking meat eaters. And they get real nasty to one another. Thinking what they believe is the best thing, feeling righteous about it, feeling superior about it.

There’s no need for that sebenernya. Karena pada akhirnya tubuh kita sendiri yang menentukan makanan apa saja yang cocok untuk tubuh kita sendiri. Only you, yourself, get to decide what’s good and what’s not good for your body.

In terms of exercise, karena saya pada dasarnya quite easily stressed, I don’t push my body to get even more stressed when exercising. Olah raga saya itu setiap pagi latihan qi gong to get my blood & oxygen flowing gently. Lalu selain itu combo antara pilates, jalan kaki, lari, renang, yang saya lakukan bergantian. I’m so fine with these exercise, they work for me and I really enjoy doing them. Like I don’t go “oh my gosh, I have to go for a swim, that’s so painful.” I actually look forward to it.

To combat stress and as ways to relax, I love to meditate. But if I’m way too wired to just sit down and meditate, I’d like to move and dance a bit, maybe jump on the trampoline for a bit. They’re great because they prep me and get rid of the anxious energy before I actually meditate. And the way I meditate is also different each day. Sometimes I’ll do a body scan meditation, sometimes I’ll do a loving kindness. Some days, I just stare at something and meditate on it. I follow what I need that day.

With friendships and/or relationships, I prefer an intimate group of people rather than a big crew. That’s just how I roll. And this is very much translated into my coaching work as well. I do very well one-on-one and in smaller groups of people.

So how do we start going inside? Gimana caranya mulai kepoin diri sendiri?

One of the great ways or tools for getting to know yourself is journaling. And if you find it very silly to just open a notebook and start writing, perhaps you can start with a food journal. Yes, start journal your food and drink intake during the day. Catat apa saja yang dimakan dan diminum. Lalu amati reaksi-reaksinya. Rasanya apa setelah minum air hangat dengan perasan jeruk lemon tadi pagi? Hangat di perut, perih di perut? Langsung ke toilet? Jangan hanya reaksi fisik, tetapi juga reaksi emosinya. Mungkin setelah makan ice cream rasanya happy banget, tetapi koq sejam setelah itu jadi moody banget (sugar crashing much?)

Bisa juga mencatat hal-hal yang bikin kesal. Atau mencatat hal-hal yang bikin happy. Start noticing lebih panjang list yang mana? Hal-hal yang bikin kesal? Atau yang bikin happy?

Intinya start asking yourself questions in order to get to know yourself more. What are the things that are working for me? What are the things that aren’t working for me? What’s missing in my life?

Cara lain yang gampang untuk saya masuk ke dalam diri saya sendiri adalah duduk sejenak, menutup mata dan memperhatikan nafas saya. Ini bisa saya lakukan sekitar 5 menit, 10 menit if I can afford it. And I do this as much as possible during the day. Ini cara gampang banget dan sangat relaxing, and it allows me to be with myself and check up on myself. Biasanya habis sesi nafas sejenak me-time ini, rasanya sangat tenang. And if I need more, then I’ll have some more.

So there you go good people, have fun getting to know yourself, get intimate with yourself, connect with yourself, in this whole process called life. Cuz it’s really the ONLY way you will ever truly heal and thrive. Yuk, mulai kepoin diri sendiri!

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