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Writer's pictureGwen Winarno

Let's Talk About Touch

How to live well?

TOUCH (and kissing too, but let’s talk about touch for now).

So many people are touch-starve. Artinya ‘kekurangan sentuhan.’ Padahal sentuhan adalah suatu kebutuhan yang sangat dasar dan diperlukan untuk kita sebagai manusia dapat hidup dan survive.

Ever wonder why a warm hug from your mother/father, your husband/wife, your lover/partner, your children, your bestie, feels so good?

When we were little, we’d stopped crying once our mother hold us close in her arms.

This is why it feels so good getting a massage, when someone gives us a pat in our back, or when someone holds our hand.

This is the CONNECTION that we need as human beings.

It’s not rocket science, you can feel it yourself, we all need to be touched, embraced and loved. Otherwise we simply won’t thrive, mind, body and spirit. It’s just human nature. It’s one of our basic needs. One of our foundations of life.

So everyday I make it a point to hug my husband. We are the biggest cuddlers. Heck, if we were a Sesame Street character, we would be called cuddle monsters.

At night we cuddle as we fall asleep. In the morning, we cuddle before getting out of bed. During the day when things get rough with work & life in general, we’d comfort each other by hugging.

TOUCH has seriously helped me get through and overcome some of the intense periods like insomnia, depression, anxiety that I’ve experienced. I wouldn’t be able to survive them otherwise.

This also extends to animals. I get so happy after a session of playtime with my dogs, where I give them plenty of hugs and cuddles.

So if you ever find yourself in a bad mood, angry, frustrated, confused, sad, tell someone close to you that you want a hug. Or go pet a furry friend.

Ga perlu malu. Orang yang kita minta pelukan juga membutuhkannya koq. They’re prolly just too shy to ask. Go for it! Make the first move!

Dan ga perlu tunggu for an occasion, make time to touch and hug your loved ones everyday. It’s wonderful for maintaining healthy RELATIONSHIPS as well.

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