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Writer's pictureGwen Winarno

My Skin Journey

No, I don’t have ‘Korean glass skin’ (yet). But my skin has certainly come a loooooong way.

In 2018 I was recovering from a 2-year period of a brutal adult #acne (slide 2) that left my face looking not so great. Obviously lots of hyperpigmentation and sun spots going on. And this was pre-bone broth times, so my skin was super dry & rough.

Image on left was my skin in June 2020 right before I made a big switch to see Mia, who is my skin fairy. I’m forever grateful to Mia, as I worked on healing from the inside, she helped transform my skin from the outside. Padahal consult lewat online saja dan bahkan baru sempat facial sekali, since kita tinggal beda kota.

You see the hyperpigmentation on my upper lip, making me look like I’m sporting a mustache? It’s still there, but not as visible as before.

Overall redness, hyperpigmentation and spots juga sudah jauh mereda. The inflammation has definitely calmed. Yes, skin issues are signs of inflammation happening in your body, so fixing that starts from the inside juga. And yes, skin issues are gut issues. Heal your gut, heal your skin.

My skin feel supple and moist, soft to touch and my pores have gotten smaller. My face is brighter (even tho I get way more sun exposure since moving to Bali). And it even has a natural sheen.

And many thanks to @dery_gw juga for introducing me to Sulwhasoo . Been using them since January 2021 and my skin is loving it! Now I have hope of achieving the ‘Korean glass skin.’

Here are few tips from me for better skin:

🌿 hydrate

🌿 focus on eating anti-inflammatory foods

🌿 feed your good gut bacteria, everyday

🌿 routine bone broth consumption

🌿 get moving and sweat everyday

🌿 dry skin brushing (for body only)

🌿 get your restorative sleep groove on

🌿 wear a hat when getting out in the sun

🌿 use sunscreen

🌿 face massage (I like using face oil from OILAND skincare & aromatherapy)

🌿 work with a trusted skin practitioner that also encourage healthy living

🌿 use #skincare products that agree with you and encourage healing for your skin

🌿 less is more

🌿 be happy!

#Healthy#skin starts from within. Contact me for 1:1 consultations.

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