Hello there, good people!
Pasti banyak yang sudah rajin bikin ‘To-Do’ list setiap harinya.
Good for you!
Here’s a thought, how about you start listing down your what ‘Not-To-Do’s?’
Yuk, sadari dan mulai list down hal-hal yang tidak berguna untuk diri kita, our health, wellness, wellbeing, our growth, dll.
❌ Not checking my phone right before & after sleep
❌ No trash-talking to self
❌ No body-shaming myself
❌ No scrolling mindlessly to kill time
❌ No gossiping
❌ Not saying ‘yes’ or ‘ok’ when I want to say ‘no’
❌ Not waste time listening to what others think of me
❌ (Monggo, lanjut tambahkan sendiri...)
That’s right!
If you’re already doing ‘To-Do’ lists, get good at listing down your ‘Not-To-Do’s’ to create boundaries.
Tulis list ini di kertas ‘post-it,’ tempelkan di cermin tempat kamu dandan setiap hari, di screen laptop, dimana pun yang kalian bisa sering baca sehari-harinya.
Get good at doing what’s on your ‘Not-To-Do’ list!